Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Hedgerow Terrain - New terrain element for battle maps of Normandy. It allows only slow movement, which tires troops, and allows only low visibility, which keeps troops from easily identifying and destroying the enemy. This reproduces the difficulties in fighting bocage warfare. The terrain element includes new graphics:

New Units - Hedgerows were the prominent feature in the American sector of Normandy, and therefore the scenario for this mod includes American troops. The difficulty, of course, is that the allied infantry estabs for HTTR comprise only British forces and arms. In order to create a US infantry division, I used the Brit estabs and structured them as closely as possible as US formations. This seems to satisfy the need, although permission to access the estab files would have been the preferred way of tackling this.

New Map - Hedgerows hedgerows hedgerows! The map for this scenario depicts the area between the Vire and Taute rivers, and includes St. Lo to the extreme southeast. The map features bridges, hills, towns and plenty of bocage.

To read more about the making of this mod, visit Allied Assualt HQ.


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